Why they chose us out of the gazillion drive-thrus in the US-of-A I'll never know. But let me tell you, the Tool Man was sure glad that they did. You see, the best part about this whole deal was that the stars of the commercial were the Duck Commanders - Phil Robertson and his "boys." If the Tool Man could pick any job in whole wide world to have it would be to join this hairy band of duck destroyers!
So the producer, director, and about 30 other folks rolled into town last Friday and set up a TV studio in our parking lot. You would think they were shooting a feature film. Lights, cameras, mics, booms, screens, computers, tents, wires, hoses, ladders, you name it! I had no idea what all went on in the making of a simple commercial. Tedious work! Every detail had to be just right. It took them two days to get enough footage for a 30 second commerical. Yeah, that's right. Approximately 25 hours of work for 30 seconds of TV. Of course that's not counting all of the editing that has to be done.
The Tool Man had a great time hanging out with all of the Duck Men. He even got an invite to their new warehouse. I hope they were being serious, because he just might show up!
We took quite a lot of pictures of all of this. I hope you enjoy them!
Custom tags for the Cadillac...
We were told that one of the HD lenses for these cameras cost over $100,000. You read that right...over one hundred thousand! Yow-za!
"Would you like fries with that?"
The director was watching every shot on this little monitor. It looked just like real TV! :)
This is Willie a.k.a. Boss Hog. I think he's the brains behind this whole Duck operation.
The car looked nice. Unfortunately, it didn't run so well.
Jep, Phil, Willie, Dad, Me, Tool Man, Jase, Ty and Lucy. We took this picture to send to my little cousin, Mark...just to make him jealous!
Fox's got rave reviews from the boys. I'm not making this up. The Duck Commander himself, Mr. Phil, said that we had Johnny's pizza beat!
Jep is the camera man for the Duck Commander show. He was a super nice guy. He and the Tool Man palled around.
Now, the Tool Man didn't say this out loud, but trust me, I could read it in his eyes...
This is Si, having some fun with a rubber duck. These poor guys must have sat in that car for 6 hours.
She's no Duck Man, but she is a little bit cuter, don't you think?
Free from the Cadillac, Willie took a rest right in the middle of the drive-thru. Doesn't look very comfortable does it?
You know these guys...
We actually had a customer pull up to the duck and try to place an order. Ha!
The commercial should be airing on the Outdoor Channel some time in late January. I can't wait to see how it turned out.
Love it... We print their posters.. but too bad Chipper wasn't there!