Monday, November 29, 2010
Disney World Pictures...Finally!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Return from Disney and the Birthday Blog
Monday, November 8, 2010
It seems they have a new show entitled, pardon my language, "Bitchin' Kitchen."
Yikes! Really?
Do we really have to be subjected to such language on the Cooking Channel? This ain't HBO, people. It's just cooking for crying out loud!
What if Ty would have been watching TV with me? Not only did they say the "word" outloud a few times, it was spelled out in BIG BOLD LETTERS! Ty's learning to read now, and he's been sounding out every word he sees.
I was mad to say the least. How could we, Christians, let things get this way? Years of turning a blind eye, I suppose. We have the Creator of the universe on our side, living within us even, and we continue to let Satan have his way in our nation. What a pitty!
So I decided to do something. It doesn't seem like much, but it's something at least. I sent this e-mail to the Cooking Channel this morning:
I recently saw an advertisement for your show "Bitchin' Kitchen." Words cannot express the shock, disappointment, and utter disbelief I felt at the title your executives chose for this program! As a Christian and mother of two small children I do not condone such language. Not only will I not be tuning in to this program, I can no longer watch this channel, period! How can I, knowing that at any moment an advertisement for this show may pop up on the screen where my children can see or hear it? I do not care what sort of language may be considered "legal" for television, you should be ashamed of resorting to such filth to promote your programs. It is my sincere hope and prayer that you will consider removing this program from your line-up or at least changing this program's title. Surely, out of the thousands of words in the English language, you can come up with a title that is not nearly as vulgar or offensive.
Who knows if my letter will make a difference, but I am praying that it will. Maybe if you have a spare minute today you can send an e-mail as well. And don't forget to pray. He can make a difference!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Mixed Emotions
Some close-ups of the mascots...
Yea, Tigers!!!
Boo, Elephants?!?
I had no idea the Alabama mascot was an elephant. I just don't get it. I suppose I could research this, but I'm not going to because it's Alabama, and I just don't care!
Ha! Ain't I awful?
Go Tigers! Beat Bama! : )
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Thoughts of Red and Green
Then there's the rest of the house...
The stairs...I'm not sure if you can tell, but I hung silver balls, crystal ornaments, and glittery snowflakes from the handrail using fishing line. Time consuming, but worth it, don't ya think?
And my "favorite-est" thing...
I just love my ladder/pot rack! The only trouble now, is that it is full of pots, and I don't really have anywhere else to put them. So I'm not sure if I'll be hanging ornaments from the ladder again this year : (
Be sure to check out the link above for more holiday mantel inspiration.