Can you believe I let little Lulu’s third birthday slip by last week without so much as a nod to it here on the blog? Shame on me!
Y’all know that I have a tradition of taking my monkey’s pictures at the exact time of their birth every year. Luckily, I haven’t missed a photo op yet.
Lucy is all about princesses now. Actually, she’s all about princesses and babies and kitties, but at this particular moment she was in full-out princess mode. And consider yourself warned…this post contains TONS of pictures of one cute little princess.
Move over Toddlers in Tiaras, this little monkey would take home the title of Ultimate Grand Supreme any day!
This last picture scares me a little. There’s no telling what sort of mischievous thoughts are running through that pretty little head.
I’m running a little bit behind on birthday parties this year. Hopefully we’ll have Lucy’s party in the next week or two. Her theme of choice this year is (no big surprise here) Princesses!