FYI I’ve only been working on this post for about 2 weeks, so I’m thrilled today to finally be able to publish it!
Tacy Mae is just over two months old now. Those first few weeks of sleepless nights are all but a memory now. (Praise the Lord! She started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks.) And my tiny, 7 lb. 4 oz. bundle of joy has almost doubled in weight. Already wearing size 6-9 months, Tacy’s got rolls in places I didn’t think was possible…on the sides of her calves, on the back of her neck. And we won’t even try to count how many chins she has.

As adorable as all of those fat rolls are, it’s usually Tacy’s hair that takes center stage. No, I don’t try to make her hair stand on end. It does that all on it’s own. In fact, I can’t even make her hair lie down. I’ve just decided to embrace the volume, and I usually style it into a faux-hawk.

As you can see Miss Lucy had to jump right in the middle of things, and she insisted that we spell out their names. It is a pretty cute picture isn’t it?

Besides all of the physical growth, I can really tell that Tacy is changing developmentally. She is so much more alert now. She is quickly becoming aware of all the activity that goes on around her – turning her head to follow objects or looking around when she hears noises. One of the most wonderful changes in her is that she is smiling a lot more now. Tacy loves for people to talk to her, and she rewards them with the prettiest, one-sided grin. Melt your heart! She’s also started cooing and babbling some.
Those pudgy little hands have been busy too. They’ve found their way to her mouth, and her fingers have learned to grab and hold on to her blankie, clothes, or…my hair. Ouch!

One other thing about Miss Tacy Mae…she’s developed quite an attachment to her mama. This is a new experience for me. I never would have qualified Ty or Lucy as either a mama’s or daddy’s baby. Tacy on the other hand…well, let’s just say I’m her main squeeze. But that’s totally OK with me. I consider it my greatest honor!