Hasn’t the weather been wonderful here this week? (Except, of course, for the severe storms Monday.) I tell you, these monkeys were super excited about the cooler temperatures. Yesterday afternoon they had the best time out in the yard running and playing in the leaves and grass and dirt. Even Tacy Mae got in on the action exploring the outdoors.
It’s been a long time since I’ve taken candid pictures of the monkeys while they were playing around, just being kids. But yesterday afforded me the perfect opportunity to snap a few shots of them enjoying the fall weather.
Ah, my sweet country girls in their rubber boots…
Ty took a hunter’s safety course last week and learned about emergency preparedness in the woods. He’s spent the last few days packing a “possible bag” full of tools and necessities, and yesterday he practiced building a makeshift shelter using limbs and palmettos. Then he kindly let his little sisters join him in his new digs.
Even though Tacy Mae was a little wobbly walking across the gravel and uneven ground, she really enjoyed being outside. She had the best time digging in the flower pots and inspecting newly fallen leaves.
That fat neck. Makes me want to get some sugar!
She may have been wearing rubber boots and blue jeans, but nothing could stop Lucy from striking a ballet pose, even if it is atop the propane tank. This girl loves dancing! However, she did not want to take ballet lessons this year. I tried several times to talk her into it, but she refused, stating that she “already knew how to dance.”
This is Lucy’s “clee-ay,” as she calls it.
A boy and his dog – I’ve never seen a boy love a dog as much as Ty loves Dee Dee. She really is a good dog. The perfect size, a beautiful coat, good with the kids, well behaved (mostly), and super smart.
One of Lucy’s favorite things to do outside is swing. She finally learned how to do it on her own this year, and true to her nature, she loves to swing as high as possible.
Isn’t this a beautiful crew!
Happy fall, everyone!