Aahhh! Spring.
Definitely my favorite time of year! I love the blooming
flowers, the budding leaves, the green grass, and most of all, the rising
temperatures. (Although it’s been unseasonably warm here since
My monkeys are enjoying the spring weather too. Ty, for one,
has been taking advantage of the weather and doing a lot of fishing in the creek
behind our house. He’s baited up several drop hooks, and the Tool Man helped
him set out a trotline. Armed with a bucket of goldfish for bait, Ty’s hoping
to catch the granddaddy of all catfish. (I’d just be happy with a mess of white
Although he has caught only a handful of catfish, one weighing
in around 20 pounds, Ty has hooked quite a menagerie of other aquatic
creatures. Not the least of which was this slimy critter – a fresh-water
This was the first time the kids and I had seen an eel in
person, and let me tell you, we were totally grossed out. It was the creepiest
thing I had seen in quite a while for sure.
As Ty was posing for these pictures, that eel tied itself into a
knot. How strange is that!
This eel is isn’t the only odd thing Ty has caught this spring.
He’s also hooked 2 more eels, two turtles, one white perch, and two gar
measuring around 4 feet long! And Ty wonders why I’m not a fan of swimming in
the creek.
Happy spring,